Confidence - Motivational Words

Contrary to popular belief confidence can not be obtained by purchasing a product or service. Businesses make millions by attempting to sell confidence. If you wear these clothes of drive this car you will feel confident. I disagree. Confidence takes quite some time to build. It is a combination of successfully completing many small goals. One can not realistically expect to build enough confidence to believe that they can accomplish something great when they can not accomplish the smaller goals.

Every time that you commit to something and then give up (without justifiable cause) you chip away at your confidence and self esteem. This may be something as simple as keeping a promise to yourself. Maybe you told yourself that you would clean your house every Friday, but when Friday comes you make some excuse and do absolutely nothing. How can you expect to commit to a strict diet or exercise program if you can’t even keep the small promises to yourself or others.

Many people are quick to dive into some new type of venture, but just as quick to quit. They never took the time to build confidence by fulfilling their own commitments. People expect commitment in area as complex as marriage. How can you truly commit to someone else when you can’t even commit to yourself?

Don’t expect other people to build confidence within you. Yes, it is nice when someone who matters encourages you or congratulates you. Others can help to build confidence, but unless you follow through on your own commitments, it makes little difference how many encouraging things that people tell you. Don’t ever forget the fact that they may be encouraging you in order to feed their own selfish motives. Follow through just for you. Build the confidence necessary to accomplish something great.

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