World's Most Expensive Chocolate Bar

World's Most Expensive Chocolate Bar

Beauty of Nature

Beauty of Nature

Shopping With Girlfriends

Shopping With Girlfriends

That Awkward Moment

That Awkward Moment

Serve Your Breakfast With Love

Serve Your Breakfast With Love

A Friend Who Understands You

A Friend Who Understands You

Two Most Important Days

Two Most Important Days

Difference between School & Life

Difference between School & Life

Elvis...Made by people ...

Elvis...Made by people ...

I'm Right Here ... No ?

I'm Right Here ... No ?

When You Rise In LIfe

When You Rise In LIfe

I Told You Not To Use Bleach

I Told You Not To Use Bleach

Sony Smart Watch For Android

Sony Smart Watch For Android

Few months ago, Apple released their iPod nano watch in the market, and now there is an Android watch, from Sony. The watch is optimized for Sony Xperia smartphones, but it runs with pretty much every Android handset. All you need is Sony’s LiveWare app along with the SmartWatch plug-in. With this watch, you can check your messages, play your favorite music, check Facebook, Twitter and even perform some camera functions as well. It will be available in the market for $149.

Creative Candles

Creative Candles - Christop Van Bommel: A single flame lights additional ones.

Swans in the Mist

Swans in the Mist

Space shuttle Atlantis Goes to Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex

Space shuttle Atlantis is seen as it rolls down Kennedy Parkway on its way to its new home at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, Friday, Nov. 2, 2012, in Cape Canaveral, Fla. The spacecraft traveled 125,935,769 miles during 33 spaceflights, including 12 missions to the International Space Station. Its final flight, STS-135, closed out the Space Shuttle Program era with a landing on July 21, 2011.

Seasons Of Life

Life at any time can become difficult.
Life at any time can become easy.

Good or Bad, they are seasons of life.
It all depends upon, how you take on life and adjust to these seasons.

How Far You Go In Life

How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young,
compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the struggling,
and tolerant of the weak and the strong
because, someday you will have been all of these.

If You Think You Can

If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don't;
If you want to win but think you can't,
It's almost a cinch you won't.

If you think you'll lose, you're lost;
For out of the world we find
Success begins with a fellow's will;
It's all in a state of mind.

Life's battles don't always go
to the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later the man who wins
It the man who thinks he can.

I Will Do More

I will do more than belong., I will participate.
I will do more than believe., I will practice.
I will do more than forgive., I will forget.
I will do more than teach., I will inspire.
I will do more than care., I will help.
I will do more than dream., I will work.
I will do more than give., I will serve.

Each Day Is Too Short

Each day is too short for -
All the thoughts we want to think,
All the walks we want to take,
All the books we want to read,
And all the friends we want to see.

Make the best out of this day.

Just Sail

As we sail through life,
don’t avoid storms and rough waters.
Just let it pass.
Just Sail.

Always remember,
Calm seas never make skillful sailors.

What Makes You Happy

It isn’t what you have,
or who you are,
or where you are,
or what you are doing,
or what you are going to do,
that makes you happy or unhappy.

Its what you think about.

The Big Rocks Of Life

One day, an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and, to drive home a point, used an illustration those students will never forget. As he stood in front of the group of high-powered overachievers he said, “Okay, time for a quiz?”, and he pulled out a one-gallon, wide-mouth Mason jar and set it on the table in front of him.

He also produced about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them, one at a time, into the jar. When the jar was filled to the top and no more rocks would fit inside, he asked, “Is this jar full?”.

Everyone in the class yelled, Yes! The time management expert replied, “Really?”. He reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel. He dumped some gravel in and shook the jar causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the spaces between the big rocks.

He then asked the group once more, “Is the jar full?” By this time the class was on to him. “Probably not”, one of them answered. Good! he replied. He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand. He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all of the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel.

That’s Why We Need Friends

We need friends for many reasons,
all throughout the four seasons.

We need friends to comfort us when we are sad,
and to have fun with us when we are glad.

We need friends to give us good advice.
We need someone we can count on to treat us nice.

We need friends because we are social in nature,
and having friends makes us feel secure.

We need friends to remember us once we have passed
sharing memories that will always last.

That’s why I need YOU!

Don't Forget You Are Special

Many times in our lives we are dropped,
crumpled and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make
and the circumstances that come our way.
We feel as though we are worthless.

But no matter what has happened or what will happen,
you will never lose your value.
Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased you are still priceless to those who love you.

The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but by who we are.
You are special. Don’t ever forget it.

Yoga Dogs

Yoga Dogs

How To Fix Any Computer

How To Fix Any Computer

Travelers Sculptures Art

Travelers Sculptures Art
The ‘Travelers‘ sculptures created by French artist Bruno Catalono look like amazing illusions. It looks like those statues are floating in the air. But on a closer look you’ll notice that the tops and bottoms of these statues are connected.

Fly Geyser, Nevada, Western US

Fly Geyser, also known as Fly Ranch Geyser is a small geothermal geyser that is located approximately 20 miles (32 km) north of Gerlach, in Washoe County, Nevada. The Geyser is located in Hualapai Flat, about 1/3 of a mile from State Route 34. It is large enough to be seen from the road.

This is What Happens When You Are Not At Home

This is What Happens When You Are Not At Home

Awesome Macro Photography

Awesome Macro Photography

Halloween Pumpkin

 Halloween Pumpkin

You Are A Diamond

Never despise life’s fiery trials.
They are God’s ways of bringing out the best in you.

Always remember, you are like a Diamond.
And more a diamond is cut, the more it sparkles.

Never Explain Yourself

Never explain yourself to any one.

Because the person who likes you doesn’t need it,
and the person who dislikes you won’t believe it.

We Must Be Silent

Before we can lead, we must serve.
Before we can serve, we must prepare.
Before we can prepare, we must learn.
Before we can learn, we must listen.
Before we can listen, we must be silent.

10 Steps To Success

1. Self-Belief:
Success is begins in the mind. One has to be a believer, first, if one wishes to be an achiever. Never under-estimate yourself. You have no idea how often can you surprise yourself. So to begin with, let's get in the belief, "I Can."

2. Clarity of Vision:
There is no point running around without knowing where one wants to reach. you must get your job cut out. Greatest achievers in the world have been visionaries. Know exactly what you are best at and give it your best shot.

God Has Promised

God has not promised;
Skies always blue, Sun without rain.
Joy without sorrow, Peace without pain.
But God has promised;
Strength for the day,
Rest for the labor,
Light for the way.
Grace for trails,
Help from above,
Unfailing sympathy,
Undying love.

Making A Difference

The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones
with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards.
They are the ones who care for you.

Only those who care, make a difference.
To make a difference to others, care for them.

Failure Is Not Negative

Failure is not negative. It is a teacher.
It molds, refines, and polishes you so that one day your light will shine for all to see.

It isn't the failure you experience that will determine your destiny,
but your next step and then the next that will tell the story of your life.

Getting Over Problems

If you can't get through the mountain, Go around it. If you can't go around it, Go over it.

If you can't go over it, sit down and ask yourself, if getting to the other side is all that important? If it is, set about digging a tunnel. For every problem, there are many solutions. Whatever the problems in life are, you have to find ways to get over it.

Shining Star

Something simple can change your day.
Something simple can change your way.

It's in your hear, not your mind.
It's something good inside you'll find.

Don't forget who you are.
Don't forget you're a shining star.

Joy In Living

Keep your hearts open to dreams.
For as long as there's dream, there is hope.

And as long as there is hope,
there is joy in living.